
灵感 迷你打破

The people of Coromandel know they live in one of the most beautiful and serene parts of New Zealand

如果您正在预订您的 奥克兰之旅 最后一分钟,我们帮你搞定了. 以下是一些顶级旅游和体验!

也许是地理的原因 的乌木 这激发了一种慢节奏的生活.  这个半岛伸入太平洋, 好像试图寻求孤立,脱离大陆, 看似寻求分离.

这是岛屿和半岛的典型情况, a more individualistic way of life and self-sufficient identity is pervasive.  The people of Coromandel know they live in one of the most beautiful and serene parts of New Zealand, 他们都很高兴不成为附近转动的齿轮的一部分 奥克兰, though they are healthily reliant on its regular output of office workers, finance execs and other high-flyers spending long weekends away on their patch.  Kiwis from all over the country flock to the Coromandel over longer holiday periods, 比如圣诞节, 来适应温暖的气温, 海滩生活, 享受典型的圣诞烧烤大餐.

当你进入科罗曼德尔时,你会感觉自己慢了下来.  当地旅游局甚至声称它“对你的灵魂有好处”。.  在这里待上几天或几周,你就会发现自己同意了. 

If you have the luxury of time to explore the Coromandel, your experience will be tenfold.  但如果你只有几天的时间, it's still possible to dip your toes into the Coromandel way of life and come away feeling restored. 



Located between Tairua and Whitianga, is possibly one of the most famous parts of the Coromandel.  A river of hot water burrows under the beach making it a subterranean natural spring waiting to be discovered - which it is, 每一天, 在退潮时被热切的探险家发现.  If you arrive two hours either side of low tide you should find the water still piping hot. 还有什么比洗个热水澡更能恢复体力的呢? 嗯,不多. 所以深挖,深挖,放松. It's magical enough to keep the kids entertained while the adults soak up the therapeutic benefits of the hot geothermal water. 科罗曼德尔的热水海滩Whitianga

另一个选择是在怀提安加定居, 这里是水星湾地区的主要聚居地和中心, 然后乘船去 大教堂湾.  玻璃底船是一个两个小时的巡航,给你一个清晰的, 但干, 海底的观景窗.  海狗在五月到十月被发现, 全年都有企鹅, 来访的海豚和逆戟鲸偶尔会停下来打招呼.  其他航海选项可以让你在一天内打包好, 带您游览水星湾海岸线,并在此停留 热水滩, 大教堂湾哈黑海滩等等.大教堂湾游轮,科罗曼德尔号除了繁忙的码头和游船, 怀提安加是一个迷人的小镇,有很多自己的权利.  其中最吸引人的是美丽的艺术画廊 水银湾博物馆,一个酿酒厂和 失落的春天' geothermal hot pools and spa, perfect for testing out that good for your soul theory.哈黑海滩,科罗曼德尔科罗曼德镇

Those looking for a historical context will be delighted with Coromandel town.  19世纪60年代淘金热的重要地点, the town still bears the hallmarks of its pioneering days with a museum in the School of Mines, 旧法院大楼, 压模电池, 和更多的.  镇上还有一个欣欣向荣的艺术社区, 有大量的工作室和画廊展示手工制作的商品, 编织, 铁制品, 油画和雕塑只是其中的几种.科罗曼德尔镇的开河铁路The stand-out attraction here, and perhaps of the whole peninsula, is the 驶溪铁路  爬山穿过重新种植的贝壳杉林. The railway was the brainchild of local potter and conservationist Barry Brickell who wanted to find a way to retrieve the natural clay and wood of the area for art, but also to restore the forest to its former glory after near catastrophic over-foresting by over-zealous British colonists.  This labour of love has since spawned a tourist attraction that you simply won't find elsewhere in New Zealand. 土木工程的壮举和富有洞察力的独创性, 的高架桥, tunnels and viewing platforms make the railway a scenic and joyful experience.

科罗曼德尔的美丽, 或者更确切地说, 科罗曼德尔众多美景之一, 它似乎是无限的探索和放松的空间吗. 如果你这辈子只能来一次这个地方, 你不会轻易忘记的, 如果你有机会, 你可以保证你会回来看更多.